How Do I Prevent Vision Loss?

There is not one solution for preventing vision loss but a vareity of ways to help ensure the avoidance of eye strain and maintaining healthy eyes.

The 20-20-20 Rule:

This rule states that for every 20 minutes of staring at a screen, look at something 20 feet away for 20 seconds.

Since we blink about 15 times per minute normally but only 5-7 times per minute when using a screen2 , using a screen can cause irritated eyes and eye strain. There is a name for this usage of screens causing eye strain: Computer Vision Sydrome (CVS). Symptoms of CVS include decreased vision, headaches, and stinging eyes. In one study, it took only 2 hours of screen time for symtoms of CVS to apperar in participants.

Thus, It is crucial to rest the eyes in between seeing screens. This 20-20-20 rule does just that.

Limit Screen Time

The average person spends about 7 hours a day looking at an electronic screen1 . It is understandable that one cannot just quit their job that requires them to look at screens, - if it is unavoidable to look at screens, see the above rule - but screens can be limited in other ways, such as at night.

The National Sleep Foundation recommends to stop using screens 30 minutes before bed.2 At the Sutter East Bay Medical Foundation, Joanna A. Cooper, M.D., stated, "two or more hours of screen time in the evening can seriously disrupt the melatonin surge needed to fall sleep." Not enough sleep can result in sore eyes, and it is always recommended to restrain from putting strain on the eyes.

Get Enough Sleep

As stated previously, not getting enough sleep can put strain on the eyes, but how much sleep should one get?

Recommended Guidelines are listed below.

  • 0-3 months old: 14-17 hours

  • 4-12 months old: 12-16 hours

  • 1-2 years old: 11-14 hours

  • 3-5 years old: 10-13 hours

  • 6-13 years old: 9-12 hours

  • 14-17 years old: 8-10 hours

  • 18-60 years old: 7+ hours

  • 61-64 years old: 7-9 hours

  • 65+ years old: 7-8 hours

The ACE Vitamins:

Vitamins A, C, and E have been associated with a lower risk of cataracts1, provide structure to sclera and cornea of the eye2, and protect against unstable unstable atoms which can cause damage in the eye3, respectively. A diet with an adequate amount of each of vitamin should help to maintain good eye health in general. Listed below are rich sources of each vitamin.

Vitamin A:

  • Cantaloupe

  • Red Bell Peppers

  • Spinach

  • Milk

  • Eggs

  • Mango

  • Fish

Vitamin C:

  • Cantaloupe

  • Bell Peppers

  • Spinach

  • Broccoli

  • Citrus Fruits

  • White potatoes

  • Strawberries

Vitamin E:

  • Red Bell Peppers

  • Spinach

  • Mango

  • Almonds

  • Avocado

  • Sunflower seeds

  • Peanut Butter

  • The nutrient lutein is also important for the eyes as it may help decrease the risk of macular degeneration.4 Corn, the yolk of eggs, and grapes are great sources of lutein.5

More on Eyes:

How Do I Fall Asleep Faster?
